Organisations and people we worked with
Although we operate as an independent project team, this event would have been impossible without the help of many organisations, groups and people. We thank you all very much for your support to get this competition up and running.
The team has been honoured and humbled by the time, expertise, and support that has been generously shared by the many people and organisations that have worked with us in a short space of time. This includes the private Facebook audience testing group participants (Thanks - you know who you are!), people agreeing to links to the website or agreeing to be referred to in quiz questions and those who have provided informal advice along the way including our friends and whānau.
Key organisations involved
The following key organisations provide collaborative support for the project including help with aspects such as engagement across the Chinese New Zealand communities, translation services, and promotion of the competition.
New Zealand Chinese Association - Richard Leung and team
Asian Family Services - Kelly Feng and team
The Asian Network Inc - Vishal Rishi and Team TANI
This project has been developed in consultation with the Department of Internal Affairs and the Human Rights Commission who have been supportive throughout its development. This work augments and aligns with the anti-racism initiatives being undertaken by those agencies. Meng Foon, Race Relations Commissioner has provided encouragement and support from the early stages of this project.
Funding for this project is substantively provided by the Office of Ethnic Communities - Ethnic Communities Development Fund from an application made by the New Zealand Chinese Association on behalf of the project team. Initial seed funding was from Kotata Insight Limited. Phantom Billstickers have provided substantive support through provision of services at markedly reduced cost.
We thank the following expert advisors for their support and help - including with development of website content:
Jenny Rankine
Esther U
Kirsten Wong
Ivy Zhou
Robert Didham
Margreet Frieling
Manying Ip
Kerry Ann Lee
Nigel Murphy